Namaste, Medha Patkar! She is helping us save our planet

The captivating story of a girl born in western India to a social activist couple. Medha won most debating competitions at school. She spent her Sundays in urban slums and vacations in rural villages. She didn’t like what she saw. Ignorance and fear of authorities impacted the poorest of people. She decided to fight for their rights and became a powerful voice against bullies. Her efforts took the form of a movement. Her inspiring story is enriched with illustrations, cultural references, nuggets, map and timeline. Namaste, Medha Patkar! enthuses readers across ages, geographies and cultures. Inspires global citizenship and a growth mindset.

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  • Details
  • Author: Sunanda Verma
  • Year: 2018
  • Publisher: The Indologist
  • ISBN: 978-9814782296